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Новости могут быть добавлены на сайт автоматически. В качестве редактора, все что нужно сделать для этого, это перейти в административной панели на вкладку "Content -> News" (Контент -> Новости). Чтобы добавить новость, щелкните по кнопке "Добавить новость".

In the News Interface, all fields with * next to the field label are mandatory. These are the fields you can fill in:

  • Title (*) -- A brief title for your news article.
  • Category (*) -- Select a category for your news article. Each category can be displayed separately on your site.
  • Summary -- A summary of the news article. This will display on the News summary page and also as an introduction to the news article on the News details page. You can leave this field empty.
  • Content (*) -- This is where you enter all the news details. If you don't enter anything in the Summary field, what you enter in the Content field will instead be displayed on the News summary page.
  • Post date -- This is the date and time when you are posting this news article (defaults to the current time, so you only need to change if you want another date and time to be displayed)
  • Status (*) -- You can write a news article without publishing it. Then select Draft here (and publish it later). To publish a news article, select "Publish" in the dropdown list.
  • Use Expiration Date -- If you want the news article to only display from and/or to a certain date, then check this box. The news article will then be displayed on your page between the dates that you select in "Start Date" and "End Date".
  • Start Date / End Date -- You don't need to care about these dates if you haven't checked "Use Expiration Date". But if "Use Expiration Date" is checked, then select when to display the news article on your home page here.

When you have filled the mandatory fields, click Submit. If you selected "Published" as status, then your news article will immediately be published on your page.

Внедрение в сайт

Чтобы использовать модуль новостей, просто добавьте тэг {news} в контент вашей страницы. ""Важно"": тэг {news} должен находиться внутри главной области контента {content}, иначе если вы щелкните по ссылке "Подробнее", новость не будет отображаться в детальном виде.

You may try to tune the timezone of your server if it is not hosted near its browsers.

Описания полей

Field Definitions allow you to create additional fields for your news articles - e.g. to add consistent features like contact person, source, news image.

Note: In order for Field Definitions to show up when you put the code for them in your News template, you must check the "Public" box next to them.

Handy Tips & Tricks:


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