Admin Log

The admin log records details of changes made to the site. These include things like creating (deleting and changing) new templates, stylesheets, pages; installing (or removing) extensions.


At the top of the log is a navigation section providing links to the first, next, previous and last pages of the log.

There is also a link to download the complete log as a text file.

At the bottom is an icon "Clear Admin Log" Delete.gif. This will clear the entire contents of the log.

Important! You won't be asked to confirm the "Clear Admin Log" and this action cannot be undone once completed.

Log Entries

There are five columns in each log entry.

  • User - shows which user performed the action.
  • Item ID - gives the database ID of the affected item. Note that item IDs are only unique to the partcular type of item described they are not unique across the whole database so the same item ID number may appear repeatedly. They are, of course, unique when taken into consideration with the item type.
  • Item name - gives the name of the item affected.
  • Action - describes the type of change made to the item.
  • Date - the date and time the change was made.

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User Handbook/Admin Panel/Site Admin/Admin Log


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